Yes, the Spring framework is beautiful. Not only: it is a friendly framework that goes where you want, without forcing you to subclass its objects. It is full of facilitators that make a developer's life really easier.
I already had this academic knowledge. Since a few days, I have tasted the true nature of Spring, and my life has changed.
I have just started a new open source project (jinFORM) and after a few days already used these features:
- the Dependency Injection framework (the true core of Spring) for gluing all the components together (bye bye infamous Mr. Service Locator!),
- web flow for MVC support, easy URL/controller mapping and centralized exception support,
- EHCache support, for a no-brainer instantiation of the cache manager,
- AOP for introducing Serializable in DOM documents and JAXP XSL Templates, where this interface is missing, which prevents them from being cached,
- property file support for easily injecting configuration values into beans,
- and many utilities like the so convenient FileCopyUtils...
If you have not started to use Spring, please do yourself a favor and follow this link.
Kudos to the Spring team!