In this article, Scott presents how quickly agile software development starts to provide value and how this factor can help pitching the positive bottom line impact of agile. There is though a parameter that management will also consider in this board game: an agile team is significantly more expensive than a traditional one. Agile teams are usually staffed with seasoned developers who are generalizing specialists: these species are more expensive that the usual programmers and analysts traditionally managed projects are used to deal with. And this is without mentioning the folly of co-located teams when you can have cheap and qualified labor near or off management shores!
Hence the comparison graph of the total software project costs will probably look like this...

There are situations where management will have a narrow sight on this:
- Organizational reasons: Maintenance of the product will be handed-off to a different unit, unconnected with the current managers. This happens in large structures and the point in the hierarchical pyramid where development and maintenance management chains meet is so high that no-one will look into how decisions on one side affects the other.
- Personal reasons: upcoming promotion or retirement can make a particular manager not inclined into looking too far in the future. Though this might sound unprofessional or rare, with the baby boomers now on the departure, this situation will occur more than you think.