More than twenty years after my last statistics class, this book really tasted like a rejuvenating read. It is well structured, with an opening focused on theory followed by numerous applications in all sorts of domains (yes, including poker, though my preferred subject was the Drake Equation). As such, the book will stand as a quick reference guide to which the reader will return every now and then.
Recommended for aging minds in need of a refresher (like mine) or curious minds wanting to learn more about statistics and how relevant they are to their every day's life.
As a side note, this is the first e-book I bought: I got it under EPUB format, which renders almost flawlessly on my Sony PSR-700 (texts, figures, schemas are good, very large tables are cut though). Kudos to O'Reilly who do a truly great job with their e-books, providing them in three formats and not limiting you in the number of times you download them (so I don't even bother backing-up my purchases).